The Founders

The Founders
The brothers Jacob and Azriel Einfeld (43 and 48) founded the Nachzik Chazak organization about 5 years ago.
“We saw orphans and widows was free online chat rooms help me with my homework an issue that nobody touched,” Jacob says.
We’re here to fill the void. ”

“Over the years we have discovered a fact on the ground: Widowed women are real heroes. But home repairs, such as repairing a broken window or a stuck shutter, are often the place where helplessness takes over and single mothers who need general repairs at home do not know whom to turn to.
That’s how it started. We set up the organization to help any widow who needs repairs that she cannot perform alone. ”

Since then, the organization has expanded; the distribution of Sabbath meals, basic clothing, gifts and the like.
We will take care of each of the widows, and respond to any issue they may have!

Jacob and Azriel Einfeld - founders of the association

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