The technician was appalled…

Successfully recruited
Successfully recruited
The technician was appalled…

A widow with 9 children called: “The shower faucet does not open, it is probably broken and we cannot shower!”
We sent a technician in a few hours, nobody likes to stay without a shower…
After the repair, the technician called, confused: “You might want to check what’s going on there. The living room was full of mattresses that stood on the wall. I didn’t see any beds and I’m afraid that’s all they have …”.
A short inspection later, the picture became clear, no beds, mattresses, 10 people in a 3-room apartment, of course rented. We found out about the way they manage with just one electric stove.
Within a few days, they received 2 folding youth beds, blankets and pillows, bedding, and an integrated stove. Everything as a gift.

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